
Master Plumbers ACT

Membership Benefits:

For all current Members, please contact the MPA office on 02 6112 8630 for Member-Only documentation & essential contact information included in your Member-only benefits including:

  • MPA Members (&, very importantly, all customers of MPA Members) are backed by the MPA $15,000 Consumer Guarantee & MPA’s Professional Code of Ethics
  • MPA Members are provided with Consumer Guarantee flyers for their valued customers, sample Consumer Guarantee wording for customer quotes, and access to create free personalised Business Terms & Conditions for inclusion with every quote (see below)
  • MPA Members have access to Free, legally-vetted, personalised Business Terms & Conditions (worth $2,000+) and a personalised Breach of Agreement Letter – Follow the links to create your Member-only free business Terms & Conditions and Breach of Agreement Letter (note: only Members will be able to access the completed legally-vetted documentation)
  • MPA Members have access to a set of 9 Safe Work Method Statements plus a comprehensive ‘Guide to Practical Safety in the Work Place’ through the MPA Safety Management System.  View the MPA Safety System Overview Videos on Youtube for introductory information.
  • MPA Members have access to Updated Wage Sheets (from 1 July 2022) for Plumbers & Fire Sprinkler Award (2010) & Clerks Private Sector Award (2020) employees (including apprentices)
  • MPA Members have access to HR, Business, & Legal advice via our dedicated expert advice lines
  • MPA Members are provided with Proof of Membership documentation as evidence of membership for Member-only discounts e.g. Toyota Gold / Silver Fleet discounts for you, your business, and your family members;
  • MPA Members have access to free and/or highly discounted business & technical training;
  • MPA Members receive up-to-date, curated and summarised industry information, via newsletters and direct emails
  • …and much more…  


For all non-MPA Members:

Here’s why you should join Master Plumbers ACT! 

We offer a comprehensive range of benefits to our members, which are listed in further detail below.

Our focus is on ensuring the plumbing industry, and especially MPA plumbers, are recognised for excellence across the region.  As such we have built enduring and respected relationships with a broad range of stakeholders throughout the region – on behalf of our members.  These stakeholders include our politicians and departmental representatives, our major apprentice training facility (CIT), IconWater, and Evoenergy, to name a few.

MPA and our members showcase to the wider community that our plumbers are up-to-date with latest policies, regulations, technologies and products, exhibit outstanding professionalism, are highly qualified, and are ethically accountable.  Our plumbers sign up to our Code of Ethics, and, of particular importance, all customers of MPA members are covered by the recently instituted MPA ACT Consumer Guarantee.  This guarantee is a vital signal to consumers that MPA values our plumber members extremely highly.  So highly that, in the unlikely scenario that there is an issue with advance payment or substandard workmanship, we cover the consumer for up to $15,000.  This provides a high level of comfort for consumers, and puts our members in good standing as a reliable and reputable member of the plumbing industry.

Consumers search for our members via our publicly available Find A Plumber database, and are therefore reassured that they are receiving the service of a plumber whose licenses and registrations have been thoroughly vetted, are covered by our Consumer Guarantee, and conform to our Code of Ethics.

Some of the additional benefits of membership include celebrating excellence and networking at our events (the Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony is always a highlight on our calendar), social days (e.g. bowling days), information sharing (e.g. through our collated bi-monthly e-Newsletters and special e-Alerts), group discounts, and access to specialised training.

An important benefit of membership is that, united together, we wield more political influence. One of our key roles as your representative is to promote best practice through government regulatory processes, including through the lifecycle of legislative development, and we do this by being recognised as the trusted voice of the industry.   This means we are influential, on our members’ behalf, in terms of government policies and programs.

In summary, we add value to your plumbing licence.


How we support members:

Information and/or advice through our partners


  • Insurance, Superannuation, Contractual advice, Recruitment of apprentices, Work Health & Safety, Training, Legislation, New technology / products, Fair Work Australia Awards for employees
Events and Networking


  • Annual Industry ‘Celebration of Excellence’ event, our Gala Dinner and Awards Ceremony, Annual Bowls Day, Information Sessions, Trade Shows, Industry Updates
Promoting your business as an MPA Registered business

  • Find a Plumber database MPA website, MPA ACT logos for members to use on business collateral, MPA ACT Member vehicle stickers – advertising while driving!, MPA ACT merchandise



  • Regular e-Newsletter, Market Updates, e-Alerts, Event invites


  • Members can send their apprentices to the Access Canberra Inspector Apprenticeship Scheme, and can access a free dispute resolution service.

Protecting the integrity of your plumbing licence


  • Consumer Guarantee – The Guarantee covers residential customers for up to $15,000 (Inc GST), Member Code of Ethics, Mediation in consumer complaints, Representation on Government forums
Small Business Information


  • Navigating your way around tax, Protecting your business from bad debtors, How to calculate your hourly rate, Marketing, Social media, General HR and being a good employer, Business planning
Government Advocacy


  • Reimbursement rates, Skills shortages, Small business support, Infrastructure issues, Membership of Master Plumbers Australia & New Zealand
Member discounts & savings


  • Vehicle discounts through Toyota dealerships, Training discounts, Bulk buying discounts